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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag "linux windows"

01 June 2009

28 May 2009

Linux: Transformando Windows em Linux [Artigo]

Gnome, KDE e WindowMaker Os temas não foram suficientes para você? Então experimente estes projetos. O WindowMaker já existe como pacote na distribuição padrão do cygwin, portanto é só escolhe-lo na hora da instalação. Já o GNOME e o KDE são mantidos por voluntários que utilizaram como base o cygwin, criando, respectivamente, o CyGnome ( e o KDE-cygwin (

Linux: Transformando Windows em Linux [Artigo]

Transformando Windows em Linux Linux user davi182 20/05/2004 Neste artigo você confere como deixar o Windows mais parecido com o Linux ou até mesmo substituir sua interface padrão pelos ambientes GNOME ou KDE. Muitas vezes a força do destino pode levá-lo a trabalhar um local onde só é permitido o uso de Windows, mas você não vai deixar de rodar "Linux" por causa disso, vai?

Linux: Transformando Windows em Linux [Artigo]

Transformando Windows em Linux Linux user davi182 20/05/2004 Neste artigo você confere como deixar o Windows mais parecido com o Linux ou até mesmo substituir sua interface padrão pelos ambientes GNOME ou KDE. Muitas vezes a força do destino pode levá-lo a trabalhar um local onde só é permitido o uso de Windows, mas você não vai deixar de rodar "Linux" por causa disso, vai?

Linux: Transformando Windows em Linux [Artigo]

Transformando Windows em Linux Linux user davi182 20/05/2004 Neste artigo você confere como deixar o Windows mais parecido com o Linux ou até mesmo substituir sua interface padrão pelos ambientes GNOME ou KDE. Muitas vezes a força do destino pode levá-lo a trabalhar um local onde só é permitido o uso de Windows, mas você não vai deixar de rodar "Linux" por causa disso, vai? Por: Davi Ferreira

Gimp Splash Comemorativo! « The Home of Virus_cg

Gimp Splash Comemorativo! 16 12 2007 Splash Boas Festas Para aqueles usuários que gostam de usar o The Gimp e também de mudar a aparência do desktop e programas, vou deixar o Splash comemorativo, que fiz para a inicialização do Gimp, com um tema para as festas de fim de ano. Para fazer download, basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse sobre o link a seguir e selecionar “Salvar link como…” ou algo parecido, a frase vai depender do navegador utilizado. > Download do Splash

24 May 2009

The KDE on Windows Project - Welcome to The KDE on Windows Project

by 1 other (via)
Welcome to The KDE on Windows Project The KDE on Windows Project is aimed at native porting of the KDE applications to MS Windows. Currently Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista are supported. The preferred way of installing KDE apps under Windows is the KDE-Installer. See the Download section on the sidebar for more informations. KDE on Windows is not in the final state, so applications can be unsuitable for day to day use yet. For some help from the project members join the IRC channel #kde-windows on freenode. You can join our mailing list kde-windows(@) for news and announcements. If you're interested in helping to track some issues, and get some of your favourite KDE apps working correctly, you can start by reading the KDE TechBase documentation. To get an overview of this project you should enter the main KDE TechBase section.


by 1 other (via)
KDE on Cygwin is the port of Qt and KDE to Windows using Cygwin, the POSIX emulation layer for Windows, and the Cygwin XFree86 server. We think that KDE is a great desktop and has the opportunity to be a big player in the 'desktop environment' area. One of the main reasons for this is because of the famous Qt library, which is designed to be very platform independent and has already been ported to many operating systems. Hence porting KDE applications from one UNIX derived operating system to another is relatively painless. The one operating system this doesn't hold true for is Windows.

26 April 2009

Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- unetbootin

Package unetbootin * jaunty (utils): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive [universe] 304-1: amd64 i386 * karmic (utils): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive [universe] 304-1: amd64 i386

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - Bubakup

Download Bubakup Browse all downloads (additional packages for other distros/versions) Introduction Bubakup, the Bootable Ubuntu Backup, is a tool that allows you to create a bootable backup image of your running system. It supports creating uncompressed, bootable loopmounted disk images of the whole or parts of the system, deleting backup disk images, archiving backup disk images using 7-zip, restoring backed-up archived disk images, and LVPM (which is pre-installed in the generated disk images) can be used to restore the backup loopmounted disk image to an actual partition.

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

by 7 others (via)
Packages available: Ubuntu Debian openSUSE Gentoo Introduction UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list. Requirements * Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista, or Linux. If you are having trouble with the Linux version, try the Windows version, it usually works better. * A broadband internet connection to download the distribution's .iso file (unless you're using pre-downloaded files) Features UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive, or it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive. It can load distributions by automatically downloading their ISO (CD image) files, or by using existing ISO files, floppy/hard disk images, or kernel/initrd files, for installing other distributions.

24 April 2009

Installing Ubuntu Or Fedora From A Windows Or Linux System With UNetbootin - Page 4 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

Windows Or Linux System With UNetbootin - Page 4 Installing Ubuntu Or Fedora From A Windows Or Linux System With UNetbootin - Page 4 Do you like HowtoForge? Please consider to support us by becoming a subscriber.

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - LVPM

Download LVPM 8.04/7.10/7.04 Download Partition Manager for Windows Download Partition Manager for Ubuntu Browse all downloads (additional packages for other distros/versions) Introduction The Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager allows users to upgrade their existing Wubi or Lubi installation to a standard Ubuntu system by transferring all data, settings, and applications from the original install to a dedicated partition. The advantages of upgrading using LVPM are better disk performance and reliability, and the ability to replace the original operating system with Ubuntu. Requirements LVPM has been tested on installs created by Wubi 8.04, Wubi 7.10, Wubi 7.04, and Lubi 7.04. Partition Manager (Only Needed If You Don't Have Any Spare Partitions) Before using LVPM, you will need to have 1 spare partition for the root filesystem, and another partition formatted as swap. If you don't have any spare partitions, you can use the Partition Manager tool (short video tutorial here), boot it and open GParted, then resize your partitions and create a swap partition of equal size to your RAM, and the main target ext3 partition. Howtoforge also has a step-by-step screenshot-based guide on using the Partition Manager.

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin Table of Contents Internet Setup Download Source Selecting an Install Directory Local Package Directory Connection Method Choosing Mirrors Choosing Packages Download and Installation Progress Icons Post-Install Scripts Troubleshooting Environment Variables Changing Cygwin's Maximum Memory NT security and usage of ntsec NT security Process privileges File permissions NT SIDs in Cygwin The mapping leak The ACL API New setuid concept Switching User Context Special values of user and group ids Customizing bash


Cygwin Documentation * Cygwin User's Guide * Cygwin API Reference * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file for Cygwin. Some work remains to be done in documenting the Cygwin API. In addition to the Cygwin API Reference and information in the FAQ, you may want to check source code file winsup/cygwin.din which lists all of the Cygwin DLL exports. We have some preliminary docs on how to profile the Cygwin DLL. Information on building and using DLLs is here. Also note that there is quite a lot of useful information in the project mailing list archives.

20 April 2009

oopss - Open Pinball!

Back To Projects Coney Island Screenshots Open Pinball! an open pinball simulator (Previously named oops) Original Author and coordinator: Johan S (email: oopsmail at Goal The goal of this project is to create a fully portable pinball simulator. DEPENDENCIES You must have allegro 4.0 installed. oopss: Files

Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files. Note that these downloads are from this projects page and the downloads themselves may not be hosted with Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

You have selected Win32 Binaries Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of releases and files contained in this package. Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Super Happy Fun Pinball

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Software Search

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over

16 April 2009

The FreeImage Project

Distributions Note: The FreeImage distributions are compressed with Winzip. If you don't own WinZip, you can grab your own copy from Linux users can use unzip to uncompress this distribution. FreeImage Plugins JBIG reading / writing Read and write IBM JBIG files using FreeImage. Note: if you intend to use this plugin commercially you need to purchase a license for it. This is required because JBIG is a patented format. More information is available on and See also PluginJBIG Source 3.2.0 Source distribution Source distribution includes source for FreeImage, C , C#, Delphi and VB6 wrappers, examples and the internally used libraries LibTIFF, LibJPEG, LibPNG, LibMNG, ZLib, OpenEXR and OpenJPEG. Download FreeImage 3.12.0 FreeImage DLL Binary distribution includes DLL, linkage LIB, header file, C , C#, Delphi and VB6 wrappers, and examples. Download FreeImage 3.12.0 [WIN32] FreeImage Documentation The documentation covers release 3.12.0 of the library. Download FreeImage3120.pdf News: FreeImage 3.12.0 released

Posted By: drolon Date: 2009-04-15 15:13 Summary: FreeImage: 3.12.0 released FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X). Thanks to it's ANSI C interface, FreeImage is usable in many languages including C, C , VB, C#, Delphi, Java and also in common scripting languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, TCL or Ruby. The library comes in two versions: a binary DLL distribution that can be linked against any WIN32 C/C compiler and a source distribution. Workspace files for Microsoft VS.Net 2003 and VS.Net 2005 are provided, as well as makefiles for Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris 9. What's new for FreeImage ? --------------------------- Release 3.12.0 is a maintenance release that brings several internal enhancements suggested by our users and also support for the PFM format. The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.0), libpng (1.2.35) and OpenJPEG (1.3.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with an updated C# wrapper. As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation. Where can I find FreeImage ? ---------------------------- FreeImage can be downloaded from:

The FreeImage Project

What is FreeImage? FreeImage is an Open Source library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, compatible with all 32-bit versions of Windows, and cross-platform (works both with Linux and Mac OS X).